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atspi-value — An interface supporting a one-dimensional scalar to be modified, or which reflects its value.

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

AtspiValue is implemented by AtspiAccessible.


An interface supporting a one-dimensional scalar to be modified, or which reflects its value. If STATE_EDITABLE is not present, the value is treated as "read only".



typedef struct _AtspiValue AtspiValue;

atspi_value_get_minimum_value ()

gdouble             atspi_value_get_minimum_value       (AtspiValue *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the minimum allowed value for an AtspiValue.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiValue implementor on which to operate.

Returns :

the minimum allowed value for this object.

atspi_value_get_current_value ()

gdouble             atspi_value_get_current_value       (AtspiValue *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the current value for an AtspiValue.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiValue implementor on which to operate.

Returns :

the current value for this object.

atspi_value_get_maximum_value ()

gdouble             atspi_value_get_maximum_value       (AtspiValue *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the maximum allowed value for an AtspiValue.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiValue implementor on which to operate.

Returns :

the maximum allowed value for this object.

atspi_value_set_current_value ()

gboolean            atspi_value_set_current_value       (AtspiValue *obj,
                                                         gdouble new_value,
                                                         GError **error);

Sets the current value of an AtspiValue.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiValue implementor on which to operate.

new_value :

a gdouble value which is the desired new value of the object.

Returns :

TRUE if the value could be assigned the specified value, FALSE otherwise.

atspi_value_get_minimum_increment ()

gdouble             atspi_value_get_minimum_increment   (AtspiValue *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the minimum increment by which an AtspiValue can be adjusted.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiValue implementor on which to operate.

Returns :

the minimum increment by which the value may be changed, or zero if the minimum increment cannot be determined.
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