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atspi-editabletext — An interface that provides methods for modifying textual content of components which support editing.

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

AtspiEditableText is implemented by AtspiAccessible.


Derived from atspi-text, the atspi-editabletext interface provides methods for modifying textual content of components which support editing. EditableText also interacts with the system clipboard via copy, cut, and paste methods.



typedef struct _AtspiEditableText AtspiEditableText;

atspi_editable_text_set_attributes ()

gboolean            atspi_editable_text_set_attributes  (AtspiEditableText *obj,
                                                         const char *attributes,
                                                         gint start_pos,
                                                         gint end_pos);

Sets the attributes applied to a range of text from an AtspiEditableText object, and the bounds of the range.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiEditableText object to modify.

attributes :

a string indicating the attributes to apply to the range, delimited by ':'.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, otherwise FALSE.

atspi_editable_text_insert_text ()

gboolean            atspi_editable_text_insert_text     (AtspiEditableText *obj,
                                                         gint position,
                                                         const gchar *text,
                                                         gint length,
                                                         GError **error);

Inserts text into an AtspiEditableText object. As with all character offsets, the specified position may not be the same as the resulting byte offset, since the text is in a variable-width encoding.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiEditableText object to modify.

position :

a gint indicating the character offset at which to insert the new text.

text :

a string representing the text to insert, in UTF-8 encoding.

length :

the number of characters of text to insert. If the character count of text is less than or equal to length, the entire contents of text will be inserted.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, otherwise FALSE.

atspi_editable_text_copy_text ()

gboolean            atspi_editable_text_copy_text       (AtspiEditableText *obj,
                                                         gint start_pos,
                                                         gint end_pos,
                                                         GError **error);

Copies text from an AtspiEditableText object into the system clipboard.

see: atspi_editable_text_paste_text

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiEditableText object to modify.

start_pos :

a gint indicating the starting character offset of the text to copy.

end_pos :

a gint indicating the offset of the first character past the end of the text section to be copied.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, otherwise FALSE.

atspi_editable_text_cut_text ()

gboolean            atspi_editable_text_cut_text        (AtspiEditableText *obj,
                                                         gint start_pos,
                                                         gint end_pos,
                                                         GError **error);

Deletes text from an AtspiEditableText object, copying the excised portion into the system clipboard.

see: atspi_editable_text_paste_text

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiEditableText object to modify.

start_pos :

a gint indicating the starting character offset of the text to cut.

end_pos :

a gint indicating the offset of the first character past the end of the text section to be cut.

Returns :

TRUE if operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.

atspi_editable_text_delete_text ()

gboolean            atspi_editable_text_delete_text     (AtspiEditableText *obj,
                                                         gint start_pos,
                                                         gint end_pos,
                                                         GError **error);

Deletes text from an AtspiEditableText object, without copying the excised portion into the system clipboard.

see: atspi_editable_text_cut_text

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiEditableText object to modify.

start_pos :

a gint indicating the starting character offset of the text to delete.

end_pos :

a gint indicating the offset of the first character past the end of the text section to be deleted.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, otherwise FALSE.

atspi_editable_text_paste_text ()

gboolean            atspi_editable_text_paste_text      (AtspiEditableText *obj,
                                                         gint position,
                                                         GError **error);

Inserts text from the system clipboard into an AtspiEditableText object. As with all character offsets, the specified position may not be the same as the resulting byte offset, since the text is in a variable-width encoding.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiEditableText object to modify.

position :

a gint indicating the character offset at which to insert the new text.

Returns :

TRUE if the operation was successful, otherwise FALSE.
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