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Using RSVG with cairo

Using RSVG with cairo



rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_dimensions ()

rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_dimensions (RsvgHandle *handle,
                                      gboolean *out_has_width,
                                      RsvgLength *out_width,
                                      gboolean *out_has_height,
                                      RsvgLength *out_height,
                                      gboolean *out_has_viewbox,
                                      RsvgRectangle *out_viewbox);

Queries the width, height, and viewBox attributes in an SVG document.

If you are calling this function to compute a scaling factor to render the SVG, consider simply using rsvg_handle_render_document() instead; it will do the scaling computations automatically.

As an example, the following SVG element has a width of 100 pixels and a height of 400 pixels, but no viewBox:

<svg xmlns="" width="100" height="400">

Conversely, the following element has a viewBox, but no width or height:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 400">

Note that the RsvgLength return values have RsvgUnits in them; you should not assume that they are always in pixels. For example, the following SVG element will return a width value whose units field is RSVG_UNIT_MM.

<svg xmlns="" width="210mm" height="297mm">

API ordering: This function must be called on a fully-loaded handle . See the section API ordering for details.

Panics: this function will panic if the handle is not fully-loaded.



An RsvgHandle



Will be set to TRUE if the toplevel SVG has a width attribute.



Will be set to the value of the width attribute in the toplevel SVG.



Will be set to TRUE if the toplevel SVG has a height attribute.



Will be set to the value of the height attribute in the toplevel SVG.



Will be set to TRUE if the toplevel SVG has a viewBox attribute.



Will be set to the value of the viewBox attribute in the toplevel SVG.


Since: 2.46

rsvg_handle_render_document ()

rsvg_handle_render_document (RsvgHandle *handle,
                             cairo_t *cr,
                             const RsvgRectangle *viewport,
                             GError **error);

Renders the whole SVG document fitted to a viewport.

The viewport gives the position and size at which the whole SVG document will be rendered.

The cr must be in a CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS state, or this function will not render anything, and instead will return an error.

API ordering: This function must be called on a fully-loaded handle . See the section API ordering for details.

Panics: this function will panic if the handle is not fully-loaded.



An RsvgHandle



A Cairo context



Viewport size at which the whole SVG would be fitted.



a location to store a GError, or NULL.


Since: 2.46

rsvg_handle_get_geometry_for_layer ()

rsvg_handle_get_geometry_for_layer (RsvgHandle *handle,
                                    const char *id,
                                    const RsvgRectangle *viewport,
                                    RsvgRectangle *out_ink_rect,
                                    RsvgRectangle *out_logical_rect,
                                    GError **error);

Computes the ink rectangle and logical rectangle of an SVG element, or the whole SVG, as if the whole SVG were rendered to a specific viewport.

Element IDs should look like an URL fragment identifier; for example, pass "#foo" (hash foo) to get the geometry of the element that has an id="foo" attribute.

The "ink rectangle" is the bounding box that would be painted for fully- stroked and filled elements.

The "logical rectangle" just takes into account the unstroked paths and text outlines.

Note that these bounds are not minimum bounds; for example, clipping paths are not taken into account.

You can pass NULL for the id if you want to measure all the elements in the SVG, i.e. to measure everything from the root element.

This operation is not constant-time, as it involves going through all the child elements.

API ordering: This function must be called on a fully-loaded handle . See the section API ordering for details.

Panics: this function will panic if the handle is not fully-loaded.



An RsvgHandle



An element's id within the SVG, starting with "##" (a single hash character), for example, "#layer1". This notation corresponds to a URL's fragment ID. Alternatively, pass NULL to compute the geometry for the whole SVG.



Viewport size at which the whole SVG would be fitted.



Place to store the ink rectangle of the element.



Place to store the logical rectangle of the element.



a location to store a GError, or NULL.


Since: 2.46

rsvg_handle_render_layer ()

rsvg_handle_render_layer (RsvgHandle *handle,
                          cairo_t *cr,
                          const char *id,
                          const RsvgRectangle *viewport,
                          GError **error);

Renders a single SVG element in the same place as for a whole SVG document.

This is equivalent to rsvg_handle_render_document(), but it renders only a single element and its children, as if they composed an individual layer in the SVG. The element is rendered with the same transformation matrix as it has within the whole SVG document. Applications can use this to re-render a single element and repaint it on top of a previously-rendered document, for example.

Element IDs should look like an URL fragment identifier; for example, pass "#foo" (hash foo) to get the geometry of the element that has an id="foo" attribute.

You can pass NULL for the id if you want to render all the elements in the SVG, i.e. to render everything from the root element.

API ordering: This function must be called on a fully-loaded handle . See the section API ordering for details.

Panics: this function will panic if the handle is not fully-loaded.



An RsvgHandle



A Cairo context



An element's id within the SVG, starting with "##" (a single hash character), for example, "#layer1". This notation corresponds to a URL's fragment ID. Alternatively, pass NULL to render the whole SVG document tree.



Viewport size at which the whole SVG would be fitted.



a location to store a GError, or NULL.


Since: 2.46

rsvg_handle_get_geometry_for_element ()

rsvg_handle_get_geometry_for_element (RsvgHandle *handle,
                                      const char *id,
                                      RsvgRectangle *out_ink_rect,
                                      RsvgRectangle *out_logical_rect,
                                      GError **error);

Computes the ink rectangle and logical rectangle of a singe SVG element.

While rsvg_handle_get_geometry_for_layer computes the geometry of an SVG element subtree with its transformation matrix, this other function will compute the element's geometry as if it were being rendered under an identity transformation by itself. That is, the resulting geometry is as if the element got extracted by itself from the SVG.

This function is the counterpart to rsvg_handle_render_element.

Element IDs should look like an URL fragment identifier; for example, pass "#foo" (hash foo) to get the geometry of the element that has an id="foo" attribute.

The "ink rectangle" is the bounding box that would be painted for fully- stroked and filled elements.

The "logical rectangle" just takes into account the unstroked paths and text outlines.

Note that these bounds are not minimum bounds; for example, clipping paths are not taken into account.

You can pass NULL for the id if you want to measure all the elements in the SVG, i.e. to measure everything from the root element.

This operation is not constant-time, as it involves going through all the child elements.

API ordering: This function must be called on a fully-loaded handle . See the section API ordering for details.

Panics: this function will panic if the handle is not fully-loaded.



An RsvgHandle



An element's id within the SVG, starting with "##" (a single hash character), for example, "#layer1". This notation corresponds to a URL's fragment ID. Alternatively, pass NULL to compute the geometry for the whole SVG.



Place to store the ink rectangle of the element.



Place to store the logical rectangle of the element.



a location to store a GError, or NULL.


Since: 2.46

rsvg_handle_render_element ()

rsvg_handle_render_element (RsvgHandle *handle,
                            cairo_t *cr,
                            const char *id,
                            const RsvgRectangle *element_viewport,
                            GError **error);

Renders a single SVG element to a given viewport

This function can be used to extract individual element subtrees and render them, scaled to a given element_viewport . This is useful for applications which have reusable objects in an SVG and want to render them individually; for example, an SVG full of icons that are meant to be be rendered independently of each other.

Element IDs should look like an URL fragment identifier; for example, pass "#foo" (hash foo) to get the geometry of the element that has an id="foo" attribute.

You can pass NULL for the id if you want to render all the elements in the SVG, i.e. to render everything from the root element.

The element_viewport gives the position and size at which the named element will be rendered. FIXME: mention proportional scaling.

API ordering: This function must be called on a fully-loaded handle . See the section API ordering for details.

Panics: this function will panic if the handle is not fully-loaded.



An RsvgHandle



A Cairo context



An element's id within the SVG, starting with "##" (a single hash character), for example, "#layer1". This notation corresponds to a URL's fragment ID. Alternatively, pass NULL to render the whole SVG document tree.



Viewport size in which to fit the element



a location to store a GError, or NULL.


Since: 2.46

rsvg_handle_render_cairo ()

rsvg_handle_render_cairo (RsvgHandle *handle,
                          cairo_t *cr);

Draws a loaded SVG handle to a Cairo context. Drawing will occur with respect to the cr 's current transformation: for example, if the cr has a rotated current transformation matrix, the whole SVG will be rotated in the rendered version.

This function depends on the RsvgHandle's DPI to compute dimensions in pixels, so you should call rsvg_handle_set_dpi() beforehand.

Note that cr must be a Cairo context that is not in an error state, that is, cairo_status() must return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS for it. Cairo can set a context to be in an error state in various situations, for example, if it was passed an invalid matrix or if it was created for an invalid surface.



A RsvgHandle



A Cairo context



TRUE if drawing succeeded; FALSE otherwise.

Since: 2.14

rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub ()

rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub (RsvgHandle *handle,
                              cairo_t *cr,
                              const char *id);

Draws a subset of a loaded SVG handle to a Cairo context. Drawing will occur with respect to the cr 's current transformation: for example, if the cr has a rotated current transformation matrix, the whole SVG will be rotated in the rendered version.

This function depends on the RsvgHandle's DPI to compute dimensions in pixels, so you should call rsvg_handle_set_dpi() beforehand.

Note that cr must be a Cairo context that is not in an error state, that is, cairo_status() must return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS for it. Cairo can set a context to be in an error state in various situations, for example, if it was passed an invalid matrix or if it was created for an invalid surface.

Element IDs should look like an URL fragment identifier; for example, pass "#foo" (hash foo) to get the geometry of the element that has an id="foo" attribute.



A RsvgHandle



A Cairo context



An element's id within the SVG, starting with "##" (a single hash character), for example, "#layer1". This notation corresponds to a URL's fragment ID. Alternatively, pass NULL to render the whole SVG.



TRUE if drawing succeeded; FALSE otherwise.

Since: 2.14

Types and Values

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