snfs_config(5) snfs_config(5)
snfs_config - Xsan Volume Configuration File
The Xsan Volume configuration file describes to the File System Manager (FSM) the physical and logical layout of an individual volume.
There is a new XML format for the Xsan Volume configuration file (see snfs.cfgx.5). This is supported on linux MDCs and is required when using the Storage Manager web-based GUI. The old format (see snfs.cfg.5) used in previous versions is required on Windows MDCs, and is valid on linux MDCs, but the Storage Manager GUI will not recognize it. Linux MDCs will automatically have their volume configuration files converted to the new XML format on upgrade. Old config files will be retained in the /Library/Logs/Xsan/data/VolName/config_history direc- tory. This manpage seeks to describe the configuration file in general. For- mat specific information can be found in snfs.cfgx.5 and snfs.cfg.5.
The file system configuration has several global variables that affect the size, function and performance of the Xsan File System Manager (FSM). (The FSM is the controlling program that tracks file allocation and consistency across the multiple clients that have access to the volume via a Storage Area Network.) The following global variables can be modified. o XML: abmFreeLimit <true/false> Old: ABMFreeLimit <Yes|No> The ABMFreeLimit variable instructs the FSM how to process the Alloca- tion Bit Map. The default value of no causes the software to use a newer method for handling allocation bit map entries. Setting the value to yes reverts to the older method, causing cvupdatefs(1) to fail when a bitmap fragmentation threshold is exceeded. When that limit is exceeded, FSM memory usage and startup time may be excessive under the older method. o XML: allocSessionReservationSize <value> Old: AllocSessionReservationSize <value> The Allocation Session Reservation feature allows a file system to ben- efit from optimized allocation behavior for certain rich media stream- ing applications, and potentially other workloads. The feature also focuses on reducing free space fragmentation. This feature is disabled by default. An old, deprecated parameter, AllocSessionReservation, when set to yes used a 1 GB segment size with no rounding. The new parameter, AllocSessionReservationSize, allows you to specify the size this feature should use when allocating segments for a ses- sion. The value is expressed in bytes so a value of 1073741824 is 1 GB and is a well tested value. The value must be a multiple of MBs. The XML file format must be in bytes. The old configuration file format can use multipliers such as m for MBs or g for GBs. If the multiplier is omitted in the old configuration file, the value is interpreted as bytes as in the XML format. A value of 0 is the default value, which means the feature is turned off. When enabled, the value can range from 128 MB (134217728) to 1 TB (1099511627776). (The largest value would indicate segments are 1 TB in size, which is extremely large.) The feature starts with the speci- fied size and then may use rounding to better handle user's requests. See also InodeStripeWidth. There are 3 session types: small, medium, and large. The type is determined by the file offset and requested allocation size. Small sessions are for sizes (offset+allocation size) smaller than 1MB. Medium sessions are for sizes 1MB through 1/10th of the AllocSession- ReservationSize. Large sessions are sizes bigger than medium. Here is another way to think of these three types: small sessions col- lect or organize all small files into small session chunks; medium ses- sions collect medium sized files by chunks using their parent direc- tory; and large files collect their own chunks and are allocated inde- pendently of other files. All sessions are client specific. Multiple writers to the same direc- tory or large file on different clients will use different sessions. Small files from different clients use different chunks by client. Small sessions use a smaller chunk size than the configured AllocSes- sionReservationSize. The small chunk size is determined by dividing the configured size by 32. For 128 MB, the small chunk size is 4 MB. For 1 GB, the small chunk size is 32 MBs. Files can start using one session type and then move to another session type. If a file starts in a medium session and then becomes large, it "reserves" the remainder of the session chunk it was using for itself. After a session is reserved for a file, a new session segment will be allocated for any other medium files in that directory. When allocating subsequent pieces for a session, they are rotated around to other stripe groups that can hold user data. This is done in a similar fashion to InodeStripeWidth. The direction of rotation is determined by a combination of the session key and the index of the client in the client table. The session key is based on the inode num- ber so odd inodes will rotate in a different direction from even inodes. Directory session keys are based on the inode number of the parent directory. If this capability is enabled, StripeAlignSize is forced to 0. In fact, all stripe alignment requests are disabled because they can cause clipping and can lead to severe free-space fragmentation. The old AllocSessionReservation parameter is deprecated and replaced by AllocSessionReservationSize. If any of the following "special" allocation functions are detected, AllocSessionReservationSize is turned off for that allocation: Perfect- Fit, MustFit, or Gapped files. When this feature is enabled, if AllocationStrategy is not set to Round, it will be forced to Round. o XML: allocationStrategy <strategy> Old: AllocationStrategy <strategy> The AllocationStrategy variable selects a method for allocating new disk file blocks in the volume. There are three methods supported: Round, Balance, and Fill. These methods specify how, for each file, the allocator chooses an initial storage pool to allocate blocks from, and how the allocator chooses a new storage pool when it cannot honor an allocation request from a file's current storage pool. The default allocation strategy is Round. Round means that when there are multiple storage pools of similar classes (for example two storage pools for non-exclusive data), the space allocator should alternate (round robin) new files through the available storage pools. Subse- quent allocation requests for any one file are directed to the same storage pool. If insufficient space is available in that storage pool, the allocator will choose the next storage pool that can honor the allocation request. When the strategy is Balance, the available blocks of each storage pool are analyzed, and the storage pool with the most total free blocks is chosen. Subsequent requests for the same file are directed to the same storage pool. If insufficient space is available in that storage pool, the allocator will choose the storage pool with the most available space. When the strategy is Fill, the allocator will initially choose the storage pool that has the smallest free chunk large enough to honor the initial allocation request. After that it will allocate from the same storage pool until the storage pool cannot honor a request. The allo- cator then reselects a storage pool using the original criteria. If the Allocation Session Reservation feature is enabled, the strategy is forced to Round if configured otherwise. o XML: fileLockResyncTimeOut <value> Old: BRLResyncTimeout <value> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. o XML: bufferCacheSize <value> Old: BufferCacheSize <value> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. This variable defines how much memory to use in the FSM program for general metadata information caching. The amount of memory consumed is up to 2 times the value specified. Increasing this value can improve performance of many metadata opera- tions by performing a memory cache access to directory blocks, inode info and other metadata info. This is about 10 - 1000 times faster than performing I/O. o XML: cvRootDir <path> Old: CvRootDir <path> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. The CvRootDir variable specifies the directory in the StorNext file system that will be mounted by clients. The specified path is an abso- lute pathname of a directory that will become the root of the mounted file system. The default value for the CvRootDir path is the root of the file system, "/". This feature is available only with Quantum StorNext Appliance products. o XML: debug <debug_value> Old: Debug <debug_value> The Debug variable turns on debug functions for the FSM. The output is sent to /Library/Preferences/Xsan/data/<file_system_name>/log/cvfs_log. These data may be useful when a problem occurs. The following list shows which value turns on a specific debug trace. Multiple debugging options may be selected by calculating the bitwise OR of the options' values to use as debug_value. Output from the debugging options is accumulated into a single file. 0x00000001 General Information 0x00000002 Sockets 0x00000004 Messages 0x00000008 Connections 0x00000010 File system (VFS) requests 0x00000020 File system file operations (VOPS) 0x00000040 Allocations 0x00000080 Inodes 0x00000100 Tokens 0x00000200 Directories 0x00000400 Attributes 0x00000800 Bandwidth Management 0x00001000 Quotas 0x00002000 Administrative Tap Management 0x00004000 I/O 0x00008000 Data Migration 0x00010000 B+Trees 0x00020000 Transactions 0x00040000 Journal Logging 0x00080000 Memory Management 0x00100000 QOS Realtime IO 0x00200000 External API 0x00400000 Windows Security 0x00800000 RBtree 0x01000000 Once Only 0x02000000 Extended Buffers 0x04000000 Extended Directories 0x08000000 Queues 0x10000000 Extended Inodes 0x20000000 In-core binary trees 0x40000000 In-core allocation trees 0x80000000 Development debug NOTE: The performance of the volume is dramatically affected by turning on debugging traces. o XML: dirWarp <true|false> Old: DirWarp <Yes|No> Enables a readdir optimization for pre-StorNext 3.0 file systems. Has no effect on volumes created on StorNext 3.0 or newer. o XML: enforceAcls <true|false> Old: EnforceACLs <Yes|No> Enables Access Control List enforcement on XSan clients. On non-XSan MDCs, WindowsSecurity should also be enabled for this feature to work with XSan clients. o XML: enableSpotlight <true|false> Old: EnableSpotlight <Yes|No> Enable SpotLight indexing on XSan system o XML: eventFiles <true|false> Old: EventFiles <Yes|No> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. Enables event files processing for Data Migration o XML: eventFileDir <path> Old: EventFileDir <path> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. Specifies the location to put Event Files o XML: extentCountThreshold <value> Old: ExtentCountThreshold <value> When a file has this many extents, a RAS event is triggered to warn of fragmented files. The default value is 49152. A value of 0 or 1 dis- ables the RAS event. This value must be between 0 and 33553408 (0x1FFFC00), inclusive. o XML: fileLocks <true|false> Old: FileLocks <Yes|No> The variable enables or disables the tracking and enforcement of file- system-wide file locking. Enabling the File locks feature allows file locks to be tracked across all clients of the volume. The FileLocks feature supports both the POSIX file locking model and the Windows file locking model. o XML: forcePerfectFit <true|false> Old: ForcePerfectFit <Yes|No> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. Enables a specialized allocation mode where all files are automatically aligned and rounded to PerfectFitSize blocks. If this is enabled, AllocSessionReservationSize is ignored. o XML: fsBlockSize <value> Old: FsBlockSize <value> The File System Block Size defines the granularity of the volume's allocation size. The block size can be from 4K to 512K inclusive and must be a power of two. Best practice for both space efficiency and performance is typically 16K. Higher values may be selected to opti- mize volume startup time, but at a cost of space efficiency. Values greater than 64K will severely degrade both performance and space effi- ciency. o XML: fsCapacityThreshold <value> Old: FsCapacityThreshold <value> When a file system is over Fs Capacity Threshold percent full, a RAS event is sent to warn of this condition. The default value is 0, which disables the RAS event. This value must be between 0 and 100, inclu- sive. o XML: globalSuperUser <true|false> Old: GlobalSuperUser <Yes|No> The Global Super User variable allows the administrator to decide if any user with super-user privileges may use those privileges on the file system. When this variable is set to true, any super-user has global access rights on the volume. This may be equated to the map- root=0 directive in NFS. When the Global Super User variable is set to false, a super-user may only modify files where it has access rights as a normal user. This value may be modified for existing volumes. o XML: haFsType <HaShared|HaManaged|HaUnmanaged|HaUnmonitored> Old: HaFsType <HaShared|HaManaged|HaUnmanaged|HaUnmonitored> The Ha Fs Type configuration item turns on Xsan High Availability (HA) protection for a file system, which prevents split-brain scenario data corruption. HA detects conditions where split brain is possible and triggers a hardware reset of the server to remove the possibility of split brain scenario. This occurs when an activated FSM is not prop- erly maintaining its brand of an arbitration block (ARB) on the meta- data LUN. Timers on the activated and standby FSMs coordinate the usurpation of the ARB so that the activated server will relinquish con- trol or perform a hardware reset before the standby FSM can take over. It is very important to configure all file systems correctly and con- sistently between the two servers in the HA cluster. There are currently three types of HA monitoring that are indicated by the HaShared, HaManaged, and HaUnmanaged configuration parameters. The HaShared dedicated file system holds shared data for the operation of the StorNext File System and Stornext Storage Manager (SNSM). There must be one and only one HaShared file system configured for these installations. The running of SNSM processes and the starting of man- aged file systems is triggered by activation of the HaShared file sys- tem. In addition to being monitored for ARB branding as described above, the exit of the HaShared FSM triggers a hardware reset to ensure that SNSM processes are stopped if the shared file system is not unmounted. The HaManaged file systems are not started until the HaShared file sys- tem activates. This keeps all the managed file systems collocated with the SNSM processes. It also means that they cannot experience split- brain corruption because there is no redundant server to compete for control, so they are not monitored and cannot trigger a hardware reset. The HaUnmanaged file systems are monitored. The minimum configuration necessary for an HA cluster is to: 1) place this type in all the FSMs, and 2) enter the peer server's IP address in the ha_peer(4) file. Unmanaged FSMs can activate on either server and fail over to the peer server without a hardware reset under normal operating conditions. On non-HA setups, the special HaUnmonitored type is used to indicate no HA monitoring is done on the file systems. It is only to be used on non-HA setups. o XML: inodeCacheSize <value> Old: nodeCacheSize <value> This variable defines how many inodes can be cached in the FSM program. An in-core inode is approximately 800 - 1000 bytes per entry. o XML: inodeDeleteMax <value> Old: InodeDeleteMax <value> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. Sets the trickle delete rate of inodes that fall under the Perfect Fit check (see the Force Perfect Fit option for more information. If Inode Delete Max is set to 0 or is excluded from the configuration file, it is set to an internally calculated value. o XML: inodeExpandMin <file_system_blocks> Old: InodeExpandMin <file_system_blocks> o XML: inodeExpandInc <file_system_blocks> Old: InodeExpandInc <file_system_blocks> o XML: inodeExpandMax <file_system_blocks> Old: InodeExpandMax <file_system_blocks> The inodeExpandMin, inodeExpandInc and inodeExpandMax variables config- ure the floor, increment and ceiling, respectively, for the block allo- cation size of a dynamically expanding file. The new format requires this value be specified in bytes and multipliers are not supported. In the old format, when the value is specified without a multiplier suf- fix, it is a number of volume blocks; when specified with a multiplier, it is bytes. The first time a file requires space, inodeExpandMin blocks are allo- cated. When an allocation is exhausted, a new set of blocks is allo- cated equal to the size of the previous allocation to this file plus inodeExpandInc additional blocks. Each new allocation size will increase until the allocations reach inodeExpandMax blocks. Any expan- sion that occurs thereafter will always use inodeExpandMax blocks per expansion. NOTE: when inodeExpandInc is not a factor of inodeExpandMin, all new allocation sizes will be rounded up to the next inodeExpandMin bound- ary. The allocation increment rules are still used, but the actual allocation size is always a multiple of inodeExpandMin. NOTE: The explicit use of the configuration variables inodeExpandMin, inodeExpandInc and inodeExpandMax are being deprecated in favor of an internal table driven mechanism. Although they are still supported for backward compatibility, there may be warnings during the conversion of an old configuration file to an XML format. o XML: inodeStripeWidth <value> Old: InodeStripeWidth <value> The Inode Stripe Width variable defines how a file is striped across the volume's data storage pools. After the initial placement policy has selected a storage pool for the first extent of the file, for each Inode Stripe Width extent the allocation is changed to prefer the next storage pool allowed to contain file data. Next refers to the next numerical stripe group number going up or down. (The direction is determined using the inode number: odd inode numbers go up or incre- ment, and even inode numbers go down or decrement). The rotation is modulo the number of stripe groups that can hold data. When Inode Stripe Width is not specified, file data allocations will typically attempt to use the same storage pool as the initial alloca- tion to the file. For an exception, see also AllocSessionReservation- Size. When used with an Allocation Strategy setting of Round, files will be spread around the allocation groups both in terms of where their ini- tial allocation is and in how the file contents are spread out. Inode Stripe Width is intended for large files. The typical value would be many times the maximum Stripe Breadth of the data storage pools. The value cannot be less than the maximum Stripe Breadth of the data storage pools. Note that when some storage pools are full, this policy will start to prefer the storage pool logically following the full one. A typical value is 1 GB (1073741824) or 2 GBs (2147483648). The size is capped at 1099511627776 (1TB). If this value is configured too small, fragmentation can occur. Con- sider using a setting of 1MB with files as big as 100 GBs. Each 100 GB file would have 102,400 extents! The new format requires this value be specified in bytes, and multipli- ers are not supported. In the old format, when the value is specified without a multiplier suffix, it is a number of volume blocks; when specified with a multiplier, it is bytes. When AllocSessionReservationSize is non-zero, this parameter is forced to be >= AllocSessionReservationSize. This includes the case where the setting is 0. If Inode Stripe Width is greater than AllocSessionReservationSize, files larger than AllocSessionReservationSize will use Inode Stripe Width as their AllocSessionReservationSize for allocations with an off- set beyond AllocSessionReservationSize. o XML: journalSize <value> Old: JournalSize <value> Controls the size of the volume journal. cvupdatefs(1) must be run after changing this value for it to take effect. o XML: maxConnections <value> Old: MaxConnections <value> The maxConnections value defines the maximum number of Xsan clients and Administrative Tap (AT) clients that may be connected to the FSM at a given time. o XML: maxLogs <value> Old: MaxLogs <value> The maxLogs variable defines the maximum number of logs a FSM can rotate through when they get to MaxLogSize. The current log file resides in /Library/Logs/Xsan/data/<file_system_name>/log/cvlog. o XML: maxLogSize <value> Old: MaxLogSize <value> The maxLogSize variable defines the maximum number of bytes a FSM log file should grow to. The log file resides in /Library/Logs/Xsan/data/<file_system_name>/log/cvlog. When the log file grows to the specified size, it is moved to cvlog_<number> and a new cvlog is started. Therefore, maxLogs the space will be consumed as specified in <value>. o XML: namedStreams <true|false> Old: NamedStreams <Yes|No> The namedStreams parameter enables or disables support for Apple Named Streams. Named Streams are utilized by Apple Xsan clients. If Named Streams support is enabled, storageManager and snPolicy must be dis- abled. Enabling Named Streams support on a file system is a permanent change. It cannot be disabled once enabled. Only Apple Xsan clients should be used with named streams enabled volumes. Use of clients other than Apple Xsan may result in loss of named streams data. o XML: opHangLimitSecs <value> Old: OpHangLimitSecs <value> This variable defines the time threshold used by the FSM program to discover hung operations. The default is 180. It can be disabled by specifying 0. When the FSM program detects an I/O hang, it will stop execution in order to initiate failover to backup system. o XML: perfectFitSize <value> Old: PerfectFitSize <value> For files in perfect fit mode, all allocations will be rounded up to the number of volume blocks set by this variable. Perfect fit mode can be enabled on an individual file by an application using the Xsan extended API, or for an entire file system by setting forcePerfectFit. If InodeStripeWidth or AllocSessionReservationSize are non-zero and Perfect fit is not being applied to an allocation, this rounding is skipped. o XML: quotas <true|false> Old: Quotas <Yes|No> The quotas variable enables or disables the enforcement of the volume quotas. Enabling the quotas feature allows storage usage to be tracked for individual users and groups. Setting hard and soft quotas allows administrators to limit the amount of storage consumed by a particular user/group ID. See cvadmin(1) for information on quotas feature com- mands. NOTE: Enabling the quotas feature automatically enables windowsSecu- rity. When quotas is enabled, the meta-data controller must stay on either Windows or a non-Windows machine. o XML: quotaHistoryDays <value> Old: QuotaHistoryDays <value> When the quotas variable (see above) is turned on, there will be nightly logging of the current quota limits and values. The logs will be placed in the /Library/Logs/Xsan/data/<volume_name>/quota_history directory. This variable specifies the number of days of logs to keep. Valid values are 0 (no logs are kept) to 3650 (10 years of nightly logs are kept). The default is 7. o XML: remoteNotification <true|false Old: >RemoteNotification <Yes|No> The remoteNotification variable controls the Windows Remote Directory Notification feature. The default value is no which disables the fea- ture. Note: this option is not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. o XML: reservedSpace <true|false> Old: ReservedSpace <Yes|No> The reservedSpace parameter allows the administrator the ability to control the use of delayed allocations on clients. The default value is Yes. reservedSpace is a performance feature that allows clients to perform buffered writes on a file without first obtaining real alloca- tions from the FSM. The allocations are later performed when the data are flushed to disk in the background by a daemon performing a periodic sync. When reservedSpace is true, the FSM reserves enough disk space so that clients are able to safely perform these delayed allocations. The meta-data server reserves a minimum of 4GB per stripe group and up to 280 megabytes per client per stripe group. Setting reservedSpace to false allows slightly more disk space to be used, but adversely affects buffer cache performance and may result in serious fragmentation. o XML: stripeAlignSize <value> Old: StripeAlignSize <value> The stripeAlignSize statement causes the allocator to automatically attempt stripe alignment and rounding of allocations greater than or equal to this size. The new format requires this value be specified in bytes and multipliers are not supported. In the old format, when the value is specified without a multiplier suffix, it is a number of vol- ume blocks; when specified with a multiplier, it is bytes. If set to default value (-1), it internally gets set to the size of largest stripeBreadth found for any stripeGroup that can hold user data. A value of 0 turns off automatic stripe alignment. Stripe-aligned allo- cations are rounded up so that allocations are one stripe breadth or larger. If an allocation fails with stripe alignment enabled, another attempt is made to allocate the space without stripe alignment. If AllocSessionReservationSize is enabled, stripeAlignSize is set to 0 to reduce fragmentation within segments which occurs when clipping within segments. o XML: threadPoolSize <value> Old: ThreadPoolSize <value> The threadPoolSize variable defines the number of client pool threads that will be activated and used by the FSM. This variable also affects performance. There should be at least two threads per client, but more threads will improve volume response time in operations that affect allocation and meta-data functions. The number of threads active in the FSM may affect performance of the system it is running on. Too many threads on a memory-starved machine will cause excessive swapping. It is recommended that system monitoring be used to carefully watch FSM activity when analyzing system sizing requirements. o XML: trimOnClose <value> Old: TrimOnClose <value> NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. o XML: unixDirectoryCreationModeOnWindows <value> Old: UnixDirectoryCreationModeOnWindows <value> The unixDirectoryCreationModeOnWindows variable instructs the FSM to pass this value back to Microsoft Windows clients. The Windows Xsan clients will then use this value as the permission mode when creating a directory. The default value is 0755. This value must be between 0 and 0777, inclusive. o XML: unixFileCreationModeOnWindows <value> Old: UnixFileCreationModeOnWindows <value> The unixFileCreationModeOnWindows variable instructs the FSM to pass this value back to Microsoft Windows clients. The Windows Xsan clients will then use this value as the permission mode when creating a file. The default value is 0644. This value must be between 0 and 0777, inclusive. o XML: unixIdFabricationOnWindows <true|false> Old: UnixIdFabricationOnWindows <yes|no> The unixIdFabricationOnWindows variable is simply passed back to a Microsoft Windows client. The client uses this information to turn on/off "fabrication" of uid/gids from a Microsoft Active Directory obtained GUID for a given Windows user. A value of yes will cause the client for this volume to fabricate the uid/gid and possibly override any specific uid/gid already in Microsoft Active Directory for the Win- dows user. This setting should only be enabled if it is necessary for compatibility with Apple MacOS clients. The default is false, unless the meta-data server is running on Apple MacOS, in which case it is true. o XML: unixNobodyGidOnWindows <value> Old: UnixNobodyGidOnWindows <value> The unixNobodyGidOnWindows variable instructs the FSM to pass this value back to Microsoft Windows clients. The Windows Xsan clients will then use this value as the gid for a Windows user when no gid can be found using Microsoft Active Directory. The default value is 60001. This value must be between 0 and 2147483647, inclusive. o XML: unixNobodyUidOnWindows <value> Old: The unixNobodyUidOnWindows variable instructs the FSM to pass this value back to Microsoft Windows clients. The Windows Xsan clients will then use this value as the uid for a Windows user when no uid can be found using Microsoft Active Directory. The default value is 60001. This value must be between 0 and 2147483647, inclusive. o XML: windowsSecurity <true|false> Old: WindowsSecurity <Yes|No> The WindowsSecurity variable enables or disables the use of the Windows Security Reference Monitor (ACLs) on Windows clients. This does not affect the behavior of Unix clients. In a mixed client environment where there is no specific Windows User to Unix User mapping (see the Windows control panel), files under Windows security will be owned by NOBODY in the Unix view. The default of this variable is false for configuration files using the old format and true when using the new XML format. This value may be modified for existing volumes. NOTE: Once windowsSecurity has been enabled, the volume will track Win- dows access lists for the life of the volume regardless of the win- dowsSecurity value.
A diskType defines the number of sectors for a category of disk devices, and optionally the number of bytes per disk device sector. Since multiple disks used in a file system may have the same type of disk, it is easier to consolidate that information into a disk type definition rather than including it for each disk definition. For example, a 9.2GB Seagate Barracuda Fibre Channel ST19171FC disk has 1778311 total sectors. However, using most drivers, a portion of the disk device is used for the volume header. For example, when using a Prisa adapter and driver, the maximum number of sectors available to the volume is 11781064. When specified, the sector size must be between 512 and 65536 bytes, and it must be a power of 2. The default sector size is 512 bytes.
Note: The XML format defines disks in the stripeGroup section. The old format defines disks in a separate section and then links to that defi- nition with the node variable in the stripe group. The general descrip- tion below applies to both. Each disk defines a disk device that is in the Storage Area Network configuration. The name of each disk device must be entered into the disk device's volume header label using cvlabel(1). Disk devices that the client cannot see will not be accessible, and any stripe group con- taining an inaccessible disk device will not be available, so plan stripe groups accordingly. Entire disks must be specified here; parti- tions may not be used. The disk definition's name must be unique, and is used by the volume administrator programs. A disk's status may be up or down. When down, this device will not be accessible. Users may still be able to see directories, file names and other meta-data if the disk is in a stripe group that only contains userdata, but attempts to open a file affected by the downed disk device will receive an Operation Not Permitted (EPERM) failure. When a volume contains down data storage pools, space reporting tools in the operating system will not count these storage pools in computing the total volume size and available free blocks. NOTE: when files are removed that only contain extents on down storage pools, the amount of available free space displayed will not change. Each disk definition has a type which must match one of the names from a previously defined diskType. NOTE: In much older releases there was also a DeviceName option in the Disk section. The DeviceName was previously used to specify a operat- ing system specific disk name, but this has been superseded by auto- matic volume recognition for some time and is no longer supported. This is now for internal use only.
The stripeGroup defines individual storage pools. A storage pool is a collection of disk devices. A disk device may only be in one storage pool. The stripeGroup has a name name that is used in subsequent system administration functions for the storage pool. A storage pool can be set to have it's status up or down. If down, the storage pool is not used by the file system, and anything on that stor- age pool is inaccessible. This should normally be left up. A storage pool can contain a combination of metadata, journal, or user- data. There can only be one storage pool that contains a journal per file system. Typically, metadata and journal are kept separate from userdata for performance reasons. Ideally, the journal will be kept on its own stripe group as well. When a collection of disk devices is assembled under a storage pool, each disk device is logically striped into chunks of disk blocks as defined by the stripeBreadth variable. For example, with a 4k-byte block-size and a stripe breadth of 86 volume blocks, the first 352,256 bytes would be written or read from/to the first disk device in the storage pool, the second 352,256 bytes would be on the second disk device and so on. When the last disk device used its 352,256 bytes, the stripe would start again at drive zero. This allows for more than a single disk device's bandwidth to be realized by applications. The allocator aligns an allocation that is greater than or equal to the largest stripeBreadth of any storage pool that can hold data. This is done if the allocation request is an extension of the file. A storage pool can be marked up or down. When the storage pool is marked down, it is not available for data access. However, users may look at the directory and meta-data information. Attempts to open a file residing on a downed storage pool will receive a Permission Denied failure. There is an option to turn off reads to a stripe group. NOTE: Not intended for general use. Only use when recommended by Apple Support. A storage pool can have write access denied. If writes are disabled, then any new allocations are disallowed as well. When a volume con- tains data storage pools with writes disabled, space reporting tools in the operating system will show all blocks for the storage pool as used. Note that when files are removed that only contain extents on write- disabled storage pools, the amount of available free space displayed will not change. This is typically only used during Dynamic Resource Allocation procedures (see the StorNext User Guide for more details). Affinities can be used to target allocations at specific stripe groups, and the stripe group can exclusively contain affinity targeted alloca- tions or have affinity targeted allocations co-existing with other allocations. See snfs.cfg(5) and snfs.cfgx(5) for more details. Each stripe group can define a multipath method, which controls the algorithm used to allocate disk I/Os on paths to the storage when the volume has multiple paths available to it. See cvadmin(1) for details. Various realtime I/O parameters can be specified on a per stripe group basis as well. These define the maximum number of I/O operations per second available to real-time applications for the stripe group using the Quality of Service (QoS) API. There is also the ability to specify I/Os that should be reserved for applications not using the QoS API. Realtime I/O functionality is off by default. A stripe group contains one or more disks on which to put the meta- data/journal/userdata. The disk has an index that defines the ordinal position the disk has in the storage pool. This number must be in the range of zero to the number of disks in the storage pool minus one, and be unique within the storage pool. There must be one disk entry per disk and the number of disk entries defines the stripe depth. For more information about disks, see the DISK DEFINITION section above. NOTE: The StripeClusters variable has been deprecated. It was used to limit I/O submitted by a single process, but was removed when asynchro- nous I/O was added to the volume. NOTE: The Type variable for Stripe Groups has been deprecated. Several versions ago, the Type parameter was used as a very course-grained affinity-like control of how data was laid out between stripe groups. The only valid value of Type for several releases of SNFS has been Reg- ular, and this is now deprecated as well for the XML configuration for- mat. Type has been superceded by Affinity.
/Library/Preferences/Xsan/*.cfgx /Library/Preferences/Xsan/*.cfg
snfs.cfgx(5), snfs.cfg(5), sncfgedit(1),, cvfs(1), cvad- min(1), cvlabel(1), cvmkdir(1), cvmkfile(1), ha_peer(4), mount_acfs(1) Xsan File System December 2011 snfs_config(5)
Mac OS X 10.9 - Generated Wed Oct 16 19:14:44 CDT 2013