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7.3 Utility Functions


Function: int tld_get_4 (const uint32_t * in, size_t inlen, char ** out)

in: Array of unicode code points to process. Does not need to be zero terminated.

inlen: Number of unicode code points.

out: Zero terminated ascii result string pointer.

Isolate the top-level domain of in and return it as an ASCII string in out.

Return value: Return TLD_SUCCESS on success, or the corresponding Tld_rc error code otherwise.


Function: int tld_get_4z (const uint32_t * in, char ** out)

in: Zero terminated array of unicode code points to process.

out: Zero terminated ascii result string pointer.

Isolate the top-level domain of in and return it as an ASCII string in out.

Return value: Return TLD_SUCCESS on success, or the corresponding Tld_rc error code otherwise.


Function: int tld_get_z (const char * in, char ** out)

in: Zero terminated character array to process.

out: Zero terminated ascii result string pointer.

Isolate the top-level domain of in and return it as an ASCII string in out. The input string in may be UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 or any ASCII compatible character encoding.

Return value: Return TLD_SUCCESS on success, or the corresponding Tld_rc error code otherwise.


Function: const Tld_table * tld_get_table (const char * tld, const Tld_table ** tables)

tld: TLD name (e.g. "com") as zero terminated ASCII byte string.

tables: Zero terminated array of Tld_table info-structures for TLDs.

Get the TLD table for a named TLD by searching through the given TLD table array.

Return value: Return structure corresponding to TLD tld by going thru tables, or return NULL if no such structure is found.


Function: const Tld_table * tld_default_table (const char * tld, const Tld_table ** overrides)

tld: TLD name (e.g. "com") as zero terminated ASCII byte string.

overrides: Additional zero terminated array of Tld_table info-structures for TLDs, or NULL to only use library deault tables.

Get the TLD table for a named TLD, using the internal defaults, possibly overrided by the (optional) supplied tables.

Return value: Return structure corresponding to TLD tld_str, first looking through overrides then thru built-in list, or NULL if no such structure found.

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