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Helper element for storing packets to aid later packet recovery from packet loss using RED/FEC (Forward Error Correction).
The purpose of this element is to store a moving window of packets which downstream elements such as GstRtpUlpFecDec can request in order to perform recovery of lost packets upon receiving custom GstRtpPacketLost events, usually from GstRtpJitterBuffer.
As such, when building a pipeline manually, it should have the form:
rtpstorage ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtpulpfecdec
where rtpulpfecdec get passed a reference to the object pointed to by the “internal-storage” property.
The “size-time” property should be configured with a value
equal to the GstRtpJitterBuffer latency, plus some tolerance, in the order
of milliseconds, for example in the example found at,
is configured as 200 + 50 milliseconds (latency + tolerance).
When using GstRtpBin, a storage element is created automatically, and can be configured upon receiving the “new-storage” signal.
See also: GstRtpBin, GstRtpUlpFecDec