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yaa(1)                                                                  yaa(1)


       yaa - Manipulate YAA archives


       yaa verb [options]


       yaa creates and manipulates YAA archives.


       create     Archive the contents of the target directory

       extract    Extract the contents of an archive to the target directory

       list       List the contents of an archive

       info       Print archive metadata

       convert    Convert an archive into another archive

       manifest   Alias for 'archive -manifest'

       index      Alias for 'convert -index'


       -v     Increase verbosity. Default is silent operation.

       -h     Print usage and exit.

       -d target_dir
              Target directory. Default is the current directory.

       -i input_file
              Input file. Default is stdin.

       -ioffset input_offset
              Bytes  to  skip  in  input_file.  Default  is 0 to read from the
              beginning of the file.

       -isize input_size
              Bytes to read from input_file. Default is -1 to read all  avail-
              able data.

       -iindex input_index
              YAA  index  corresponding  to  input_file.  The index is used to
              accelerate sparse archive reading, in conjonction with the entry
              name/type selection options.

       -o output_file
              Output file. Default is stdout.

       -a algorithm
              Compression algorithm used when creating archives. One of lzfse,
              lzma, lz4, zlib, raw. Default is lzfse.

       -b block_size
              Block  size  used  when  compressing  archives,  a  number  with
              optional b,k,m,g suffix (bytes are assumed if no suffix is spec-
              ified). Default is 4m.

       -t worker_threads
              Number of worker threads compressing/decompressing data. Default
              is the number of logical CPU on the running machine.

       -wt writer_threads
              Number  of writer threads extracting archive content. Default is
              to match worker_threads.

              Skip insertion of a leading metadata entry in the generated  ar-
              chives.  This  metadata  entry  contains  a list of the included
              fields, and an archive UUID. It is printed by the info  command.

       -include-path prefix
              Include  entry  paths  matching prefix. This option can be given
              multiple times.

       -exclude-path prefix
              Exclude entry paths matching prefix. This option  can  be  given
              multiple times.

       -include-path-list <prefix_list_file>
              File  containing  a  list of path prefixes to include, one entry
              per line. This option can be given multiple times.

       -exclude-path-list <prefix_list_file>
              File containing a list of path prefixes to  exclude,  one  entry
              per line. This option can be given multiple times.

       -exclude-name name
              Exclude entry paths where a single component of the path matches
              exactly name. This option can be given multiple times.

       -include-type <type_spec>
              Include only entries matching the given types. <type_spec> is  a
              word  containing one or more of the entry type characters listed

       -exclude-type <type_spec>
              Exclude only entries matching the given types. <type_spec> is  a
              word  containing one or more of the entry type characters listed

       -include-field <field_spec>
              Add the given fields to the set of fields to include  with  each
              entry.  This option can be given multiple times. <field_spec> is
              a comma separated list of entry field tags listed below.

       -exclude-field <field_spec>
              Remove the given fields to the set of  fields  to  include  with
              each   entry.   This   option   can  be  given  multiple  times.
              <field_spec> is a comma  separated  list  of  entry  field  tags
              listed below.

              Alias for the following options:
              -exclude-field dat
              -include-field sh1,cks,siz
              -a lzfse -b 1m

       -index Alias for the following options:
              -exclude-field all
              -include-field idx
              -a lzfse -b 1m

       entry types
              b block special
              c character special
              d directory
              f regular file
              h hard link
              l symbolic link
              m metadata
              p fifo
              s socket

       entry fields
              typ entry type
              pat path
              lnk link path
              dev device id
              uid user id
              gid group id
              mod access permissions
              flg flags
              mtm modification time
              xat extended attributes
              acl access control list
              cks CRC32 checksum
              sh1 SHA1 digest
              sh2 SHA2 digest
              dat file contents
              siz file size
              duz disk usage
              idx entry index in main archive
              yaf YAA fields (in metadata entry)
              yuu YAA UUID (in metadata entry)
              all alias for all fields
              attr alias for uid,gid,mod,flg,mtm
              other other fields (not in this list)

       default entry fields

       entry selection
              -include-path  and  -include-path-list options are applied first
              to  select  an  initial  set  of  entries,  then  -exclude-path,
              -exclude-path-list  and  -exclude-name  are  applied  to  remove
              entries from this set.  If no  -include-path  or  -include-path-
              list  option  is  given, all entries are included in the initial
              set.  If a directory is included/excluded, the  entire  sub-tree
              is included/excluded.


       Archive  the contents of directory foo into archive foo.yaa, using LZMA
       compression with 8 MB blocks

              yaa archive -d foo -o foo.yaa -a lzma -b 8m

       Extract the contents of foo.yaa in directory dst

              yaa extract -d dst -i foo.yaa

       Create  a  manifest of the contents of directory foo into foo.manifest,
       using LZFSE compression with 1 MB blocks

              yaa manifest -d foo -o foo.manifest -a lzfse -b 1m

       Verify the contents of dst match the manifest foo.manifest

              yaa verify -i foo.manifest -d dst -v

       Print all entry paths in foo.manifest

              yaa list -i foo.manifest

       Print all entry paths, uid, gid for regular files in foo.manifest

              yaa  list  -v -i foo.manifest -include-type f -exclude-field all
              -include-field uid,gid,pat

       Create a manifest of the contents of archive foo.yaa in foo.manifest

              yaa convert -manifest -v -i foo.yaa -o foo.manifest

       Create an index of the contents of archive foo.yaa in foo.index

              yaa index -v -i foo.yaa -o foo.index

       Extract a subset of entries matching prefix Applications/  from
       archive foo.yaa in directory dst

              yaa extract -i foo.yaa  -include-path  Applications/  -d

       Extract the same files as in the previous example, but use foo.index to
       accelerate extraction

              yaa  extract  -i  foo.yaa -include-path Applications/ -d
              dst -iindex foo.index


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