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24.1 HTML Translation

makeinfo will include segments of Texinfo source between @ifhtml and @end ifhtml in the HTML output (but not any of the other conditionals, by default). Source between @html and @end html is passed without change to the output (i.e., suppressing the normal escaping of input ‘<’, ‘>’ and ‘&’ characters which have special significance in HTML). See section Conditional Commands.

By default, a navigation bar is inserted at the start of each node, analogous to Info output. If the ‘--no-headers’ option is used, the navigation bar is only inserted at the beginning of split files. Header <link> elements in split output can support Info-like navigation with browsers like Lynx and Emacs W3 which implement this HTML 1.0 feature.

In HTML, when the footnote style is ‘end’, or if the output is not split, footnotes are put at the end of the output. If set to ‘separate’, and the output is split, they are placed in a separate file. See section Footnote Styles.

The HTML generated is standard HTML 4. It also tries to be as compatible as possible with earlier standards (e.g., HTML 2.0, RFC-1866). Some minor exceptions: 1) HTML 3.2 tables are generated for the @multitable command (see section @multitable: Multi-column Tables), but they should degrade reasonably in browsers without table support; 2) The HTML 4 ‘lang’ attribute on the ‘<html>’ attribute is used; 3)  Entities that are not in the HTML 3.2 standard are also used. 4)  CSS is used (see section HTML CSS). 5)  A few HTML 4 elements are used (thead, abbr, acronym).

Using ‘’ produces strict HTML 3.2 output (see section Invoking texi2any/makeinfo from a Shell).

Please report output from an error-free run of makeinfo which has browser portability problems as a bug (see section Reporting Bugs).

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This document was generated on October 2, 2013 using texi2html 5.0.

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