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man Syntaxerr(3)
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Syntaxerr(3)                     OCaml library                    Syntaxerr(3)


       Syntaxerr - no description


       Module   Syntaxerr


       Module Syntaxerr
        : sig end

       type error =
        | Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string
        | Expecting of Location.t * string
        | Not_expecting of Location.t * string
        | Applicative_path of Location.t
        | Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
        | Other of Location.t
        | Ill_formed_ast of Location.t * string

       exception Error of error

       exception Escape_error

       val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit

       val location_of_error : error -> Location.t

       val ill_formed_ast : Location.t -> string -> 'a

OCamldoc                          2014-10-18                      Syntaxerr(3)

ocaml 4.02.1 - Generated Tue Oct 21 06:36:45 CDT 2014
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