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pssac(1)                              GMT                             pssac(1)


       pssac - Plot seismograms in SAC format on maps


       pssac [ saclist|SACfiles ]  -Jparameters
        -Rregion  [   -B[p|s]parameters  ]  [   -C[t0/t1]  ]  [  -Ddx[/dy] ] [
       -Ea|b|k|d|n[n]|u[n]       ]       [        -F[i][q][r]       ]        [
       -G[p|n][+gfill][+zzero][+tt0/t1] ] [  -K ] [  -Msize[u][/alpha] ] [  -O
       ]  [   -P  ]  [   -Q  ]  [   -Ssec_per_inch[unit]  ]  [   -T[+tn][+rre-
       duce_vel][+sshift]  ]  [   -U[stamp]  ]  [   -V[level]  ]  [  -Wpen ] [
       -Xx_offset ] [  -Yy_offset ] [ -hheaders ] [ -ttransp ]

       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag  and  the  associated


       pssac  reads  SACfiles in SAC format or reads filenames and controlling
       parameters from saclist [or standard input]  and  generates  PostScript
       that will plot seismograms on a map.  The PostScript code is written to
       standard output.


              SAC files to plot on a map. Only evenly spaced SAC data is  sup-

              One  ASCII  data table file holding a number of data columns. If
              saclist is not given then we read from standard input.   Parame-
              ters are expected to be in the following columns:
                 filename [X Y [pen]]

              filename is the name of SAC file to plot.  X and Y are the posi-
              tion of seismograms to plot on a  map.   On  linear  plots,  the
              default  X is the begin time of SAC file, which will be adjusted
              if -T option is used, the default Y is determined by -E  option.
              On  geographic  plots, the default X and Y are station longitude
              and latitude specified in SAC header.  The X and  Y  given  here
              will  override  the position determined by command line options.
              pen, if given, will override the pen from -W option for  current
              SAC file only.

       -Jparameters (more a|)
              Select map projection.

              west, east, south, and north specify the region of interest, and
              you   may   specify   them   in   decimal    degrees    or    in
              [A+-]dd:mm[][W|E|S|N]  format Append +r if lower left and
              upper right map coordinates are given instead  of  w/e/s/n.  The
              two  shorthands  -Rg  and -Rd stand for global domain (0/360 and
              -180/+180 in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in  latitude).
              Alternatively  for grid creation, give Rcodelon/lat/nx/ny, where
              code is a 2-character combination of L, C, R (for left,  center,
              or  right)  and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. e.g., BL for
              lower left.  This indicates which point on a rectangular  region
              the lon/lat coordinate refers to, and the grid dimensions nx and
              ny with grid spacings via -I is used to create the corresponding
              region.   Alternatively,  specify  the  name of an existing grid
              file and the -R settings (and grid spacing, if  applicable)  are
              copied from the grid. Appending +uunit expects projected (Carte-
              sian) coordinates compatible with chosen  -J  and  we  inversely
              project  to determine actual rectangular geographic region.  For
              perspective view (-p), optionally append /zmin/zmax.  In case of
              perspective view (-p), a z-range (zmin, zmax) can be appended to
              indicate the third dimension. This needs to be  done  only  when
              using  the -Jz option, not when using only the -p option. In the
              latter case a perspective view of the plane is plotted, with  no
              third dimension.


       -B[p|s]parameters (more a|)
              Set map boundary frame and axes attributes.

              Read  and plot seismograms in timewindow between t0 and t1 only.
              t0 and t1 are relative to a reference time specified by -T.   If
              -T  option  is not specified, use the reference time (kzdate and
              kztime) defined in SAC header instead.   If  only  -C  is  used,
              t0/t1 is determined as xmin/xmax from -R option.

              Offset seismogram positions by the given mount dx/dy [Default is
              no offset].  If dy is not given it is set equal to dx.

              Choose profile type (the type of Y axis).
                 a: azimuth profile.

                 b: back-azimuth profile.

                 k: epicentral distance (in km) profile.

                 d: epicentral distance (in degree) profile.

                 n: trace number profile. The Y position  of  first  trace  is
                 numbered as n [Default n is 0].

                 u:  user  defined  profile. The Y positions are determined by
                 SAC header variable usern, default using user0.

              Data preprocess before plotting.
                 i: integral

                 q: square

                 r: remove mean value

              i|q|r can repeat multiple times. For example, -Frii will convert
              acceleration  to  displacement.  The order of i|q|r controls the
              order of the data processing.

              Paint positive or negative portion of traces.   If  only  -G  is
              used, default to fill the positive portion black.
                 p|n  controls  the  painting  of positive portion or negative
                 portion.  Repeat -G option to specify fills for positive  and
                 negative portions, respectively.

                 +gfill: color to fill

                 +tt0/t1:  paint  traces between t0 and t1 only. The reference
                 time of t0 and t1 is determined by -T option.

                 +zzero: define zero line. From zero to top is  positive  por-
                 tion, from zero to bottom is negative portion.

       -K (more a|)
              Do not finalize the PostScript plot.

              Vertical scaling.
                 size[u]:  scale all traces size[u] on a map. The default unit
                 is PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT.  The scaling factor is defined as yscale
                 = size*(north-south)/(depmax-depmin)/map_height.

                     alpha  <  0,  use the same scaling factor for all traces.
                     The scaling factor will scale the first trace to size[u].

                     alpha  =  0,  multiply  all  traces  by  size. No unit is

                     alpha > 0, multiply all traces by size*r^alpha, r is  the
                     distance range in km.

       -O (more a|)
              Append to existing PostScript plot.

       -P (more a|)
              Select aPortraita plot orientation.

       -Q     Plot traces vertically.

              Specify the time scale in sec_per_measure seconds per unit while
              plotting on geographic plots.  Use PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT if  unit  is

              Time alignment and shift.
                 +ttmark:  align  all  trace along time mark. tmark are -5(b),
                 -4(e), -3(o), -2(a), 0-9(t0-t9).

                 +rreduce_vel: reduce velocity in km/s.

                 +sshift: shift all traces by shift seconds.

       -U[[just]/dx/dy/][c|label] (more a|)
              Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot.

       -V[level] (more a|)
              Select verbosity level [c].

       -Wpen  Set pen attributes for all traces unless overruled by pen speci-
              fied  in  saclist.   [Defaults:  width = default, color = black,
              style = solid].


       -Y[a|c|f|r][y-shift[u]] (more a|)
              Shift plot origin.

       -h[i|o][n][+c][+d][+rremark][+rtitle] (more a|)
              Skip or produce header record(s).

       -t[transp] (more a|)
              Set PDF transparency level in percent.

       -^ or just -
              Print a short message about the  syntax  of  the  command,  then
              exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -).

       -+ or just +
              Print  an extensive usage (help) message, including the explana-
              tion of any module-specific  option  (but  not  the  GMT  common
              options), then exits.

       -? or no arguments
              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation
              of all options, then exits.


       To plot a single seismogram seis.SAC (generated by SAC command  funcgen
       seismogram) and paint positive portion black and negative portion red:

          gmt pssac seis.SAC -JX10c/5c -R9/20/-2/2 -Baf -Fr -Gp+gblack -Gn+gred >

       To  plot several seismograms (generated by SAC command datagen sub tele
       *.z) on a distance profile:

          gmt pssac *.z -R200/1600/12/45 -JX15c/5c -Bx200+l'T(s)' -By5+lDegree -BWSen \
              -Ed -M1.5c -W0.5p,red >

       To plot seismograms (generated by SAC command datagen sub tele *.z)  on
       a geographic map:

          gmt pssac *.z -JM15c -R-120/-40/35/65 -Baf -M1i -S1500c -K >
          saclst stlo stla f *.z | gmt psxy -J -R -St0.4c -Gblack -i1,2 -O >>


       psmeca(1), pspolar(1), pscoupe(1), psvelo(1), gmt(1), psbasemap(1), psxy(1)


       Refer  to SAC User Manual for more details on SAC format and SAC header


       Dongdong Tian, School of Earth and Space Sciences, University  of  Sci-
       ence and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China


       2017, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe

5.4.2                            Jun 24, 2017                         pssac(1)

gmt5 5.4.2 - Generated Thu Jun 29 15:35:09 CDT 2017
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