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Unless you already have a gpg key create a new PGP key with gpg. Note that DSA with a keysize greater than 1024 does not work with SHA-1. SHA-224,256,384,512 would work, but are not yet implemented in Bigloo.

$ gpg –gen-key
pub   1024D/A2DA694E 2010-08-07 [expires: 2010-08-27]
      Key fingerprint = DFAF 5894 9003 8640 D45B  6199 07CA 0495 A2DA 694E
uid                  Bigloo Example
sub   1024g/0B8985E5 2010-08-07 [expires: 2010-08-27]

We export both the public and the private key.

$ gpg  -a -o A8453FAB_Bigloo_Example_User.pkey –export A8453FAB
$ gpg  -a -o A8453FAB_Bigloo_Example_User.skey –export-secret-keys A8453FAB

This small program will simply read the key and print a human-readable representation.

;; contents of print-key.scm
(module print-key
   (library openpgp)
   (main my-main))

(define (my-main args)
   (let ((public-key (car (pgp-read-file "A2DA694E_Bigloo_Example.pkey")))
         (secret-key (car (pgp-read-file "A2DA694E_Bigloo_Example.skey"))))
      (display (pgp-key->string public-key))
      (display (pgp-key->string secret-key))))

The compilation is straight-forward and does not require any special flags:

$ bigloo print-key.scm -o print-key
$ ./print-key
Bigloo Example
07ca0495a2da694e DSA (Digital Signature Standard)
5fa4e8c90b8985e5 ElGamal (Encrypt-Only)
Bigloo Example
07ca0495a2da694e DSA (Digital Signature Standard)
5fa4e8c90b8985e5 ElGamal (Encrypt-Only)

As can be seen, the pgp-key->string routine does not differentiate between public and private keys.

We can also sign a message:

(let ((my-key (car (pgp-read-file "A2DA694E_Bigloo_Example.skey"))))
  (pgp-write-file "msg.sig"
     (pgp-sign (read-string)
               (lambda (key) "<Bigloo Example Password>")
               :detached-signature? #f)))

Signatures from Bigloo follow RFC 4880 and can therefore be verified by gpg.

$ echo "Gpg can verify Bigloo’s signature" | ./sign
$ gpg –verify msg.sig
gpg: Signature made Sat 07 Aug 2010 10:12:21 PM CEST using DSA key ID A2DA694E
gpg: Good signature from "Bigloo Example"

Inversely Bigloo can verify pgp’s signature. Here we first generate a signature with gpg.

$ echo "Bigloo can verify gpg’s signatures." | \
 gpg -o msg_gpg.sig -a \
     –default-key "Bigloo Example" \
     –passphrase <Bigloo Example Password> \

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Bigloo Example"
1024-bit DSA key, ID A2DA694E, created 2010-08-07

The following program reads OpenPGP signatures and verifies them. For simplicity the key database will only contain one key, but it could contain any number of keys.

(let ((my-key (car (pgp-read-file "A2DA694E_Bigloo_Example.pkey")))
      (sig (pgp-read-file "msg_gpg.sig"))
      (db (pgp-make-key-db)))
   (pgp-add-key-to-db db my-key)
   (print "Signature message: " (pgp-signature-message sig))
   (let ((signers (pgp-verify sig (lambda (id) (pgp-resolve-key db id)))))
      (for-each (lambda (subkey)
                   (display (pgp-subkey->string subkey)))

As expected, the program verifies the correct signature.

$ ./verify
Signature message: Bigloo can verify gpg’s signatures.

Bigloo Example
07ca0495a2da694e DSA (Digital Signature Standard)

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