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6.8 Date

bigloo procedure: date? obj

Returns #t if and only if obj is a date as returned by make-date, current-date, or seconds->date. It returns #f otherwise.

bigloo procedure: make-date #!key (sec 0) (min 0) (hour 0) (day 0) (month 0) (year 1970) timezone (dst -1)

Creates a date object from the integer values passed as argument.

The argument timezone, if provided, is expressed in minute.


(write (make-date :sec 0 :min 22 :hour 17 :day 5 :month 2 :year 2003 :dst 0))
  -| #<date:Wed Feb  5 17:22:00 2003>

The argument dst is either -1 when the information is not available, 0 when daylight saving is disabled, 1 when daylight saving is enabled.

bigloo procedure: date-copy date #!key sec min hour day month year

Creates a new date from the argument date.


(date-copy (current-date) 1 0 0)
bigloo procedure: current-date

Returns a date object representing the current date.

bigloo procedure: current-seconds
bigloo procedure: current-microseconds

Returns an elong integer representing the current epoch (i.e., the date since 0:00:00 UTC on the morning of 1 January 1970, expressed in seconds (resp. in micro seconds).

bigloo procedure: date->seconds
bigloo procedure: seconds->date

Convert from date and elong.

bigloo procedure: date->string date
bigloo procedure: date->utc-string date
bigloo procedure: seconds->string elong
bigloo procedure: seconds->utc-string elong

Construct a textual representation of the date passed in argument

bigloo procedure: date-second date

Returns the number of seconds of a date, in the range 0...59.

bigloo procedure: date-minute date

Returns the minute of a date, in the range 0...59.

bigloo procedure: date-hour date

Returns the hour of a date, in the range 0...23.

bigloo procedure: date-day date

Returns the day of a date, in the range 1...31.

bigloo procedure: date-wday date
bigloo procedure: date-week-day date

Returns the week day of a date, in the range 1...7.

bigloo procedure: date-yday date
bigloo procedure: date-year-day date

Returns the year day of a date, in the range 1...366.

bigloo procedure: date-month date

Returns the month of a date, in the range 1...12.

bigloo procedure: date-year date

Returns the year of a date.

bigloo procedure: date-timezone date

Returns the timezone of a date.

bigloo procedure: date-is-dst date

Returns -1 if the information is not available, 0 is the date does not contain daylight saving adjustment, 1 if it contains a daylight saving adjustment.

bigloo procedure: integer->second

Converts a Bigloo fixnum integer into a second number.

bigloo procedure: day-seconds

Returns the number of seconds contained in one day.

bigloo procedure: day-name int
bigloo procedure: day-aname int

Return the name and the abbreviated name of a week day.

bigloo procedure: month-name int
bigloo procedure: month-aname int

Return the name and the abbreviated name of a month.

bigloo procedure: date-month-length date

Return the length of the month of date.

bigloo procedure: leap-year? int

Returns #t if and only if the year int is a leap year. Returns #f otherwise.

bigloo procedure: rfc2822-date->date string
bigloo procedure: rfc2822-parse-date input-port

Parses RFC2822 string representing a date. These functions produce a Bigloo date object.

bigloo procedure: date->rfc2822-date date

Converts a Bigloo date into a string representation compliant with the RFC2822 format.

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